Pregnancy Considered as one of the most precious and blessed events in a woman's life. Early detection is important for early life style modifications and medical checkups. On the other hand its also important in family planing and birth spacing in case of unexpected pregnancy.
In a healthy woman, having previous normal regular periods, is likely due to pregnancy until otherwise proved. Missed period may be confused with physiological & pathological conditions like,
StressSudden change in weight
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Cushing's syndrome
Diabetes, Tuberculosis, malnutrition, etc...
2. Morning Sickness
May present as,
Tendency to vomit on rising from the bed,
loss of appetite or
Its not present in all pregnant women, its found in only 50% of cases. Usually appears following the missed period and doesn't usually continue beyond 3 months.
3. Breast Discomfort
A feeling of "Fullness" and "pricking" sensation.
Appears as early as 2nd month.
3. Frequent urination
More troublesome during first 2-3 months. Gradually disappears after 3rd month.
4.Feeling of fatigue
Early Detection testing for pregnancy.
Done by identifying hCG either in blood or urine. The time/duration needed for a positive result depends on the technique used. hCG appears in the blood earlier.
Blood (Serum) Tests.
1. IRMA (Immuno radiometric assay) ::
Detects 8 days after Conception.
2. ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent Assay) ::
Detects 5 days before 1st missed period
3. RMA (Radioimmunoassay) ::
Detects 8 days after ovulation (25th day of cycle)
Urine Tests.
1. Home Pregnancy tests ::
Detects usually on the fist day of missed period.
2. Latex test ::
Detects 2 days after missed period
3. Direct latex agglutination test ::
Detects 2 days after missed period